Pocket Edition Alpha |
Pre-release | Added cameras. |
Added roses. |
Added cold-en oak trees. |
v0.1.3 | Added the "Update Game Block" with 2 variations saying "update!" and "ate!upd". |
v0.3.3 | Removed fire due to spreading issues. It is replaced by .name. |
v0.5.0 | Added the Nether Reactor, and Nether Reactor Core and glowing obsidian, as a part of it. |
v0.6.0 | Added the stonecutter. |
v0.7.0 | .name is no longer obtainable without inventory editing, due to fire being re-implemented. |
v0.7.3 | Breaking glowing obsidian now requires a diamond pickaxe. |
Along with the addition of splashes, there were 17 exclusive splashes added as well. |
v0.7.5 | .name no longer breaks quickly. |
v0.8.0 | build 2 | Added beetroots, beetroot seeds and beetroot soup. |
The "ate!upd" block now says "update!" correctly. |
Glowing obsidian no longer has a red outline in the hotbar. |
.name now breaks quickly. |
? | Added 2 new exclusive splashes. |
v0.8.1 | .name now takes a long time to mine, like in 0.7.5. |
Added 1 new exclusive splash. |
v0.9.0 | build 1 | Removed the camera entity, the rose, and the cold-en oak tree. |
Original map type now generates the type of terrain from Java Edition 1.7.2, and is now a separate world type. |
Added dying and fallen trees. |
Added carpet tables and wooden bridges in villages. |
v0.9.2 | Added 8 new exclusive splashes. |
v0.9.3 | .name now breaks instantly. |
v0.9.5 | .name no longer breaks instantly. |
v0.10.0 | Mineshafts now spawn at the surface in mesas. |
Gold ore can generate at any level in mesa biomes. |
Smooth lighting on water. |
New swamp water color. |
Huge mushrooms now spawn in swamps. |
Added dust particles for falling gravel and sand. |
v0.10.4 | Added 1 new exclusive splash. |
v0.11.0 | build 1 | Added baby squid. |
Squid produces a black cloud of "ink" when attacked. |
Boats can support up to 2 passengers. |
Boats are crafted using 5 wooden planks and a shovel. |
Boats are controlled using paddles, by pressing buttons on either side of the screen. |
The boat's appearance varies on the type of planks used. |
Added grass paths, which are created by tilling a grass block with a shovel. |
Grass paths replace the gravel paths in villages. |
Cave spiders can naturally spawn with a skeleton jockey. |
build 5 | Added 3 new exclusive splashes. |
build 9 | Attacks from burning mobs catches the victim on fire. |
build 10 | Added Town Folk Skin Pack and City Folk Skin Pack. |
v0.12.0 | Added achievements to Windows 10 Edition with 18 additional achievements. |
0.12.1 | build 1 | The book on enchantment tables glows in the dark. |
Snow golems can be built using a jack o'lantern as a head. |
Leaves in snow biomes appear frost covered. |
Snow layers are now affected by gravity and slowly stack up in layers through snowfall. |
Nether Reactor is no longer usable. |
build 3 | Snow golems can be sheared for pumpkins, when sheared they have the original texture. |
build 6 | Lava now appears brighter and more vibrant. |
? | Added 1 new exclusive splash. |
v0.13.0 | build 1 | Removed the stonecutter - all blocks are now crafted using the crafting table. |
Powered rails now function as in Java Edition due to the addition of redstone circuits. |
Added rabbits with version exclusive properties. |
build 2 | Obsidian now takes 6.5 seconds to break instead of 3. |
v0.14.0 | build 1 | Added camera back. |
Added more jockeys. In total, there are 17 different jockeys in Bedrock Edition. |
Added eight additional achievements, bringing the total to 52. |
v0.15.0 | build 1 | Pistons have a new animation; piston arm is visibly thicker at the bottom, can push block entities such as chests and block entities that stick to walls (such as levers) can now be placed on them. |
Added observer block which detects block updates. |
Tipped arrows are made by using an arrow in a cauldron filled with a potion. |
Added leather horse armor. |
Increased amount of total different jockeys from 17 to 25. |
Added resource packs, with Plastic and City resource packs. |
All Windows 10 Edition achievements are now available for Android and iOS. |
Added two achievements and two additional achievements, bringing the total to 56. |
build 2 | Tweaked the rose bush and peony texture. |
v0.15.7 | Added Natural resource pack. |
v0.15.8 | Added Fantasy resource pack. |
v0.15.10 | Added four achievements and five additional achievements, bringing the total to 65. |
v0.16.0 | build 1 | Added the elder guardian, but it lacks a spawn egg. Also, it is considered as a boss mob. |
Added Education Edition features. |
Added add-ons, which is the behavior pack that is a separation of resource packs. |
build 2 | Removed Education Edition features. |
build 4 | Added the wither. |
When at 50% health, it spawns 3-4 wither skeletons around itself. |
Has a new animation when created and killed. |
Has new sounds. |
Added beacons, which are opaque. |
Added Potion of Decay & Splash Potion of Decay. |
Creepers and untamed ocelots now have idle sounds. |
build 5 | Added open button to villagers if the player sneaks. |
v0.16.2 | Added Cartoon resource pack. |
Pocket Edition |
1.0.0 | alpha | Added shulkers. |
The shell can be dyed by using dyes. |
Added End cities. They generate without banners. |
Added Lingering Potion of Decay. |
Added two achievements and five additional achievements, bringing the total to 72. |
Added Elytra, called "Elytra Wings" in inventory. |
release | Added Festive Mash-up 2016 pack. |
1.0.3 | alpha | Added Candy Texture Pack. |
1.0.4 | Added 1 new exclusive splash. |
Added Strangers "Biome Settlers Pack 3" Skin pack. |
1.0.5 | build 1 | Added Minecart with Command Block, which has a repeating command block in it instead of impulse command block. |
1.0.5 | Added Power Rangers Skin pack. |
1.0.6 | Added Chinese Mythology Mash-up pack. |
1.0.7 | Added Fallout Mash-up pack. |
1.0.8 | Added Magic: The Gathering Skin pack. |
1.0.9 | Added Greek Mythology Mash-up pack. |
1.1.0 | alpha | Added colored beds, which uses the original item texture. |
Added woodland mansions, which the floors use oak planks instead of birch planks. Coarse dirt and banners do not generate. |
Enchanted golden apple is now called "Enchanted Apple". |
Igloos now generate with white bed or red bed depending on the biome. |
Leads now have a better physics. |
Added new sleeping animation. |
Empty maps with compasses have been renamed to Empty Locator Map, to distinguish between empty maps without compasses. |
Hardened clay is now called "<color> Terracotta". |
alpha | Added Minecraft Marketplace. |
Cobwebs can now be crafted into 9 strings. |
Melon blocks will now always drop 9 melon slices when using shears. |
release | Added six achievements, bringing the total up to 79. |
Added Skyrim Mash-up pack. |
Bedrock Edition |
1.2.0 | beta | Added firework rockets, which can be launched in any direction. |
Added armor stands, which are stackable up to 64 and can hold various positions with swords and other items. |
Added the command . |
Added structure blocks, which can only be used on Windows 10, and have a 3D Export Mode which can't be changed. |
Player heads now appear on maps. |
Added new parameters to the command. |
Glass panes and iron bars have a new inventory icon. |
1.4.0 | beta | Coral fans and their dead variants can generate on coral reefs. |
Shipwrecks can generate with stripped wood blocks on them. |
Bucket of Pufferfish has a unique texture, using the old texture for the pufferfish. |
beta | Fish may sometimes drop bones when killed. |
? | Added 8 new achievements, bringing the total up to 87. |
1.5.0 | beta | Conduits may be oriented in 16 different directions. |
The appearance of bubble columns can be changed, by default it will appear as a full transparent block. |
1.8.0 | beta | Added cats with one unused texture. |
Readded NPC and Camera. |
1.9.0 | beta | Added various new slabs with cut sandstone and cut red sandstone as version exclusive. |
Added pillagers, which drop arrows. |
beta | Added bells with texture of stone on its side, along with 3 unused bells. |
Cauldrons can now be used to store lava. |
1.10.0 | beta | Changed village archicture, meeting points generate with various side-type bells. |
Added pillager outposts, which generates with black banners and can generate with a tall foundation. |
Split villagers and zombie villagers into 2 different mobs, old (prior to Village and Pillage) and new villager and zombie villager. |
Added banner patterns, which have 6 types. |
Added crafting recipe for cartography table and barrel, which is different than in Java Edition. |
Added composter with a different crafting recipe. |
Wet sponge now instantly dries out in the nether. |
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