How to upload a file downloadable on wix

How to upload a file downloadable on wix

how to upload a file downloadable on wix

Drag a button on to your page. Save your logo as a PNG file before uploading it to Then you can use Insert a PDF version of your resume for the employer to download and print off. If you follow it, you will be able to add a PDF file download link to your Because all files uploaded to Wix are stored in a centralized location. how to upload a file downloadable on wix

How to upload a file downloadable on wix - remarkable



Client library for File Sharing Server based on .



Server errors are mapped to error object:

can be one of , , . holds explanation of the error that was sent by server.


For Enum fields you can import Enum constants or use strings that match constant name.




Big integers are represented as longs. Example is file size in bytes.

Root Folder Id

Root folder is a special folder. It is not physicaly stored anywhere. Root folder's parent is root folder itself. Each instance of file sharing can have different root folder id. Root folder id is provided in response.

App Settings

App settings entity contains all settings for site's or group's File Sharing TPA.

Updates existing or default app settings. Only keys present in json are updated ().

Get default or existing settings:

Library Items

Main domain entity is Library Item. Library Item can be either Folder or File.

Library Item Entity
Folder creation

Creates new folder if it doesn't exist with same name.

Query library items

When no filters specified all files sorted by its ID is returned until the limit is reached.

Query folder library items

Get library items for given folders. Defaults to root folder when filter is unspecified.

Response is identical to .

Get Library items by id

If it is not found it is ommited from response.

Get Folder Tree

is optional. When given only tree from given folder will be returned.

Upload file

File upload consits of 3 phases:

  • start upload by getting upload url
  • upload to upload url
  • callback with upload response

You can initiate multiple file uploads with single request:

You should not care what is in . Just map it to when performing upload.

Example of upload from browser:

Complete upload by providing :

Complete upload responds with newly created library items. You can complete upload of multiple files with single request.


Same endpoint can be used to download:

  • single file: by probiding single id
  • multiple files: by providing multiple file ids
  • folder: by providing folder id

When is invoked with single file id it would return url that would download that file. Browser will start file download because url respons with header .

View file

Returns url that responds with a file and

View folder

View folder increments folder view counts

Favorite file or folder

Marks file or folder as favorite

Rename file or folder

is optinal. Specifying zero UUID or undefined yields same behavior.

Move file or folder

To move file or folder just specify its id and new parent. When is null Root is assumed.

Delete file or folder

Deletes file or folder

Identity Profile

is an object that contains member information

Share file or folder

Currently share is implemented as url shortener without any file/folder context. It is responsible to prepend correct site domain to given path

Roles and Permissions
Authorized actions

Provides actions that are available to user per item. Some actions like means that this action is available in the context of provided libraryItemId.

Currently supported rejection reasons

Assign permissions
Remove permissions
List roles with permission

When array is empty then role has no file sharing permission assigned.

To fetch roles that have specific permission assigned use filter.

To fetch all roles omit filter (null or empty array).

List roles for current user

Lists current roles assigned to requesting user

Role Entity
Report item

Requires of reporting application. Response contains flag, indicating if user request was throttled

Don't forget to check if action is available in api.

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How to upload a file downloadable on wix

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