Think, that: How to preserve jpg downloads
Download a genially as a JPG, PDF, and HTML
It's possible to download a genially in three different formats: .jpg, .pdf and .html. Downloading is a premium featureavailable in all subscriptions.
The best format for your download will depend on how you want to use your genially.
In this article we'll go over the steps of the download process and the characteristics of each of these available formats.
- How to download a genially
- About downloading as a .jpg
- About downloading as a .pdf
- About downloading as an .html
How to download a genially
Currently, it's possible to download geniallys from the main panel:
The steps to download are:
1. Go to the main panel of your account where you can find all of your creations.
2. Pass your mouse over the genially you want to download.
3. Select the option Download.
4. Next, a window will open with options to download in the 3 available formats: .jpg, .pdf and view offline. Click on the Download button that corresponds to the format you want.
5. The file will download and you'll be able to find it in the folder where you store downloads on your computer.
Or from the Editor, once your genially has been published
About downloading as a .jpg
This format is ideal for obtaining a static image of each page of your genially. The result will be as many .jpg files as the number of pages in your genially.
If the genially has a lot of pages, it's possible that the download will take a moment.
TIP: this format does NOT preserve interactivity or animation effects.
About downloading as a .pdf
Ideal for printing your genially on paper or sending it easily via email as an attached document. If the genially has many pages, your download may take a moment.
When you're downloading your genially to print it on paper, it's important to keep in mind:
- The size of the genially's canvas (in pixels). In this article we explain how to edit the canvas size of your genially.
- The paper dimensions (in cms) in which you want to print (A5, A4, card size, etc.).
For example, to print on paper with dimensions A4 with a printing quality of 300 DPI, the size in pixels is 2480 x 3508 pixels. If you wish to obtain the size in pixels of other paper sizes, check out this page. Also, on this page you'll find a calculator to convert pixels to cm and viceversa for different levels of printing quality.
TIP: this format type does NOT preserve interactivity or animation effects.
About downloading as an .html
The download as an .html preserves the interactivity and animation effects you have in your genially, unlike downloads as a .pdf or .jpg. This format is ideal for viewing your genially in offline mode.
IMPORTANT: it's important to have in mind that you won't be able to view the external content that's online, like Youtube videos, social media, maps, etc.
In this video, we explain the steps to download and view the .html file:
After clicking on Download in the View offline section, here's what will happen:
1. A .zip file will be saved on your device. Inside, you'll find a file called genially.html.
2. Decompress/open the .zip file's contents (in a new folder, for example). To do this, usually you just have to double click on the .zip folder.
IMPORTANT: it's important keep all the files and folders together in the same location.
3. Open the file genially.html. Your genially will open in your predetermined/default browser (even without internet connection).