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Ucsd download file ssh ieng account

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1. Programming Requirements for CSE 8B

The Java code you submit in the programming assignments must compile and run on Java 10 on Linux. If you use the lab machines in the CSE building, then you should be using the correct programming language version and the correct operating system version by default. We'll confirm the compiler version as part of this assignment. In-lab and remote programmers will use the correct compiler and operating system by default, since your connection allows you access to data and programs on the lab machines. Local programmers have additional problems and must check their Java programs against ieng6.

To earn credit, your Java code must be for

  • Programming Language: Java 10
  • Operating System: Linux/UNIX

For example, if you use Java for Windows and a program produces a file that has the wrong formatting, which is possible, points will be lost and that case is not eligible for regrades. This is why programs must be checked against the ieng6 servers.

Shells are where you type commands to accomplish many tasks. The terminal can spawn a shell. SSHing can spawn a shell. A Windows 10 shell can spawn a UNIX shell.

For additional info:

Each of the following are ways to program. You don't need to know all of it. We just want to warn those desiring to program on their computers directly the risks/configurations needed.

Find out your login info at ETS Account Lookup

It will likely be a account. The account password is the same as your regular TritonEd password. However, it's possible that you don't have this account. If that's the case, use your email username. Upon logging in, type "". This prepping command is not needed for accounts.

If you are unable to login using the username and your password either in-lab or remotely, you may need to reset your password for your cs8b account at the above link or contact ETS to get it fixed.

Programming In-lab (Required to Know)

You may choose to work on the assignments in-lab. Find a computer in the CSE Basement, and then login. To open a Terminal, right click the desktop or within the file explorer and press "Open in Terminal". That will spawn a new shell for you.

Programming Remotely (Required to Know)

You must know how to SSH into the lab machines. SSH allows you to access the ieng6 machines and use the shell on the ieng6 servers to work on your assignments. For UNIX machines, you can do so in the terminal with the following command:

ieng6.ucsd.edu is the domain name which allows you to connect to UCSD from anywhere on the internet. The username is your account username. -X allows graphical interfaces to transfer as part of the connection. Upon successful login, this command will spawn a new shell for you.

For Mac users, you may need to replace -X with -Y. This enables X11 Forwarding, which is required for graphical data like windows. However, Macs don't have X11 by default. Download XQuartz and install it. Restart your computer. Launch XQuartz, and SSH in.

For Windows users, we STRONGLY recommend downloading and installing MobaXTerm, which is a very convenient SSH client program. It comes with the networking protocols to both use the remote shell and to transfer files between your local Windows machine and the ieng6 lab machines. This program also takes care of X11 forwarding automatically. Historically, this option has worked with the least trouble for Windows users in CSE 8B.

You may also want to see the entire Linux desktop remotely. The above provides individual windows only. To see the graphical desktop, Windows users can download VNCViewer. Mac has VNC built in. See:


We also have our own tutorial about using vncgome here. This page suggests Windows users download PuTTY. MobaXTerm should also work in place of PuTTY.

Programming Locally (Optional)

Due to the complexity of getting UNIX-oriented Java programs and file transfers to work on Windows, we HIGHLY recommend Windows users program remotely through SSH instead of locally. See above (Programming Remotely).

We will allow local development and suggest having it available, but we do not recommend it as your main environment. Any development done locally means all bets are off: we are not responsible for how you install your software and for the possibility of lost points due to incorrectly installed programming languages. Points lost due to programming language and operating system differences are not regradeable. With that said, one advantage of programming locally is having a separate environment ready in case you lose internet access. Here are some tips on programming locally.

If you have Mac or Linux, you have a UNIX operating system. Just ensure you have the correct Java version. You will still need to transfer your code to ieng6, compile, and run on the school servers to make sure the programs work.

If you have Windows, then you have extra work to create a local environment because Windows does not come with a UNIX shell. You must use Ubuntu Bash OR a virtual machine that runs a Linux operating system. A suggested lightweight free operating system is Lubuntu. You must take care to NOT program using Windows -- the operating system is implemented differently which can cause two Java instances of the same versions to run differently. Some behaviors of Java is in fact behavior of the operating system rather than the programming language.

Windows 10 users have the ability to install the UNIXbash: open PowerShell and type “bash”. Follow the instructions on how to install it. Windows <10 users will have to use a virtual machine. Every time you want to use the BASH shell on Windows, you must take care that you are using the Bash shell and not the Windows shell. PowerShell is a Windows shell, but typing “bash” will spawn a Linux shell.

And even if you manage to get all that to work for PSA 0, you may continue running into trouble in future PSAs because of required features such as X11 window forwarding.

One last possible Windows environment is to download and use a simulated UNIX shell such as Cygwin. You can pursue this if you know what you're doing.

Again, the recommended route for Windows users is to program remotely using MobaXTerm, which has SSH, internet file transfer, and X11 Forwarding built-in and ready to use to connect to the ieng6 servers, which have the correct operating system and Java versions setup for you.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Ucsd download file ssh ieng account

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