Rasmol download windows 10

Rasmol download windows 10

rasmol download windows 10

The original RasMol manual was created by Roger Sayle. the manual into multiple sections which could be downloaded quickly and added use of frames. Under Windows 3.1 and similar systems Install the program in MS. Duration: 1:14. Available for Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms, RasMol is a free, interactive molecular-graphics Download the PC Windows version of RasMol-​ucb. rasmol download windows 10

All: Rasmol download windows 10

Rasmol download windows 10
Rasmol download windows 10
Rasmol download windows 10
Rasmol download windows 10

Molecular Visualization Software

[screenshot 600x440]


RasTop is a molecular visualization software adapted from the program RasMol, which was initially developed by Roger Sayle. RasTop is particularly adapted for educational purposes and for the rapid analysis of macromolecules at the bench.  RasTop wraps a user-friendly graphical interface around the "RasMol molecular engine". There is no need to type on the command line; each command in the menu generates its own script. Through an extended menu and a command panel, users can manipulate numerous molecules rapidly and learn about them. Work sessions are saved in script format and are fully regenerated with a simple mouse click.

RasTop is available on Windows and Linux platforms. Linux users should install Wine prior to RasTop. Mac users can use Virtual PC, but it is not free software. RasTop is an open-source under the GPL license and is free to use. Check at openrasmol.org  for more info and others branches of rasmol.

Contact and Bug Report

Please, contact the RasTop team directly  on SOURCEFORGE.

Download & Install

1- DownloadTo download a file, click in the table below. Most people want to download RasTop 2.2 standardpackage, that includes RasTop 2.2 32-bits version and user documentation. The full package contains the standard package plus the source code and the mhc1.src script example.Most people do not need the dll file.

 File DescriptionStatusDate
 RasTop.zip RasTop 2.2 standard package - your first choice
 available for download on SOURCEFORGE
final release01/22/2007
 rastop-source-2.2.zip RasTop 2.2 source available for download on SOURCEFORGEfinal release01/22/2007
 dll.zip Missing dll files - Install in RasTop folderoptional - see text 

RasTop in other languages: Version Francaise,edite par Naoum Salame de  l'INRP2- InstallStandard Installation: Extract the RasTop folder from the RasTop.zip file. Install the RasTop folder in the directory of your choice.

To start RasTop, double click on the RasTop icon. When started for the first time, the program displays a single main window, one empty graphic window, and the command line. If you get a message saying that you are missing some dll files, consult the paragraph Custom InstallationUsing the help: Press F1 after opening RasTop.3- Custom Installation:

If you cannot get started and always receive the warning message "The RASTOP.EXE file is linked to missing DLL files" with a given number, download the file dll.zip. Unzip the patch and follow the instructions located in the readme.txt file. 

What's new in RasTop 2.2 ?

RasTop 2.2 - Released January 2007
First official release on SourceForge. The source code is almost identical to v2.1

.RasTop 2.1 - Released Septembre 2004
Numerous bugs have been corrected, thanks for all of you who reported them.  A command window similar to the one in the original RasMol program has been added. This feature was requested by numerous teachers and was initially developed by Christian Duque. RasTop is now  localizable to multiple languages, see RasTop help. A 'scripting'  toolbar has been added to improve the handling of scripts. Scripts located in the "rastop/scripts" folder are directly accessible on the new toolbar. Images can be saved as bmp files in 32-bit format.

RasTop 2.0.3 - Released January 2003
Many bugs from the initial 2.0 series have been corrected. Individual preferences are now created for each user. Partial export in POVRay format is available.

RasTop 2.0- Released January 2002
Major update over series 1. Next are listed the main modifications:
Interface improvements: New toolbar with direct selection of atom properties and element sets; new buttons to facilitate rendering. The mouse wheel is now active. Information on pointed atoms are available in the status bar.
Rendering improvements: Higher color resolution and depth queuing, Richards - Connolly surfaces, new cylinder rendering, multidirectional headlight, better cartoon and ribbon rendering, more comprehensive display mode, choice of the molecular rendering at start from a default script and preference saving.
Multiple molecule capability: Fully loaded world accepting multiple molecules; saving and restoring of complete worlds with improved world scripting.

RasTop 1.3.1- Released March 2001
This was a minor update with modifications concerning mainly correction of bugs reported for the 1.3 version.  A release for 8-bit monitors was made available (although never tested on a true 256 colors monitor). A few systems are missing an updated version of the mfc42.dll file which is also available, but requires separate installation.

RasTop 1.3 - Released August 2000
This is the first release of RasTop. Beside the interface, new rendering capabilities were added to RasMol code: back clipping, 32-bit output under Windows, centering command either on current selection or to the origin, variation of depthcue in slab mode, and ShadePower coloring feature. 

Recommanded Hardware: Pentium or equivalent processor, 16 MB of RAM, and a web browser to access the help, at best a version 4 or higher.


RasTop 2.2 By Philippe Valadon
Version 2.2, January 2007
Copyright © Philippe Valadon 2000-2007Based on:RasMol 2.6 by Roger Sayle
Biomolecular Structures Group, Glaxo Wellcome Research & Development, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK
Version 2.6, August 1995, Version 2.6.4, December 1998
Copyright © Roger Sayle 1992-1999And Modulations by:Herbert J. Bernstein
Bernstein + Sons, P.O. Box 177, Bellport, NY, USA,
2.7.0 March 1999, 2.7.1 June 1999, Jan 01, 2.7.2 Aug 00, and Apr 01
Copyright © Herbert J. Bernstein 1998-1999Arne Mueller
Version 2.6x1, May 1998
Copyright © Arne Mueller 1998Marco Molinaro
RasMol 2.6-ucb Nov 96 Consortium 1995, 1996

Gary Grossman
RasMol 2.5-ucb Nov 95 (C) UC Regents/ModularCHEM


RasTop 2.2 is distributed both under the GPL license ad the Rasmol license.  Certain conditions apply to users and to developers to ensure that RasTop remain open source. Please, consult the license.txt and raslic.txt file in the package.

CopyRight  © 2002-2008
All publishing rights reserved. 
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Rasmol download windows 10

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